Council Meetings are held monthly with the exception that there is no meeting in August. The meetings are normally held on the third Tuesday of every month, however the December meeting is held on the second Tuesday, due to the proximity to Christmas (In 2024 the December meeting will be held on the third Tuesday otherwise there would be a six week interval to the January meeting).
The meetings start at 7.00pm when members of the public have the opportunity to raise issues for consideration by the council. Representatives from Monmouthshire County Council or other public organisations may also be invited to attend. The formal council meeting commences at 7.30pm. Members of the public may stay and observe this part of the meeting but are not able to contribute in any way.
Each year in May the Annual Meeting is held and a new Chairman and Vice-Chairman are elected.
The agenda for each meeting is published 7 days in advance, and this is circulated to all councillors along with the previous month’s minutes which will be ratified at the meeting, and any other supporting papers for agenda items.
The Clerk forwards any correspondence received to the councillors by email when it is received.
If you would like to add a topic to the agenda or make arrangements to attend a meeting to discuss a particular topic, please contact the Clerk.
You can download Agendas and Minutes for Meetings as PDFs below. If you require documents in an alternative format please contact The Clerk.
NB: Copies of older Minutes and Agendas are available on request from The Clerk. There are no normal Council Meetings in August. Due to Corona Virus restrictions the AM for 2020 was held September 2020.